A Simple De-nesting Tool to Clean Nest Boxes
MBTCS Trail Monitor Raymond Huel shares a simple invention that helps him with the messy annual duty of cleaning out nest boxes!
A simple de-nesting tool designed by Raymond Huel
After experiencing a couple of stubborn boxes during last fall’s clean out, I decided to come up with something that would facilitate the task of preparing the boxes for the coming season. My object was to have something that would quickly push the old nest out and, at the same time, reduce the need for a heavy glove.
In the end, I used a piece of 2x4, four inches long, and a piece of rigid plastic pipe 3/4 inch, outside diameter and 18 inches long. I drilled a 7/8 inch hole one inch deep in the centre of the 2x4. This way the bottom of the 2x4 is not perforated and material from the nest will not come into the hollow pipe.
With the hole in the 2x4 pointing up, I drilled a 3/32 hole in the middle of each of the flat sides of the 2x4. I then inserted the plastic pipe into the 7/8 inch hole and marked how it aligned with the smaller holes then proceeded to use the 3/32 holes as a guide to drill through the plastic pipe.
Mixed some epoxy and cemented the pipe making certain that the previous markings aligned with the 3/32 holes. Then inserted a 1 1/2 inch deck screw in each hole before the epoxy hardened.
Very easy to use as one plunge clears the nest. As a bonus feature this tool will also quickly clean out the excrement on the sides of the box.
Submitted by MBTCS Trail Monitor Raymond Huel. Want your idea featured? Submit now!
Bottom view
Side view showing deck screw