Bluebird update from Southeast Saskatchewan
Hi Folks! We recently received this lovely note from a bluebird lover in southeast Saskatchewan near Estevan. What a nice surprise to hear what is happening with bluebirds in that province, where we often hear very little!!
“I stumbled upon your website last year while doing research about Bluebirds. I thought I'd share some pictures I've taken of Mountain Bluebirds that occur in the Roche Percee area, southeast SK.
Last year, in an effort to give these birds an extra help, my friends and I put up some extra boxes along the trail in Roche Percee and fixed some of the old boxes that were neglected and in need of repair.
Last weekend my friend Chuck and I were out there for pictures and to inspect the houses and we spotted, for the first time in the 5 years of so we've been visiting that trail, a pair of Eastern Bluebirds in the same trail and they had already started nest construction!
It is about a 25 minute drive from the hamlet of Hitchcock to Roche Percee, where the bluebird trail is. Unfortunately, I’ve never spotted any bluebirds in my area (maybe not the elevation they like) but I do have other cavity birds that have been nesting in my yard for about 20 years now: Purple Martins, Tree Swallows, Wrens, Chickadees.
Anyway, hope you enjoy my pictures and have a wonderful rest of the week!”
- Heliana de Souza-Wagner

Thank you for sharing Heliana! We encourage readers to keep sending us photos and reports from the field so we can share them with our followers.