MBTCS News & Updates
Bluebird update from Southeast Saskatchewan
We received this wonderful reader submission from a bluebird lover in southeast Saskatchewan near Estevan. What a nice surprise to hear what is happening with bluebirds in that province, where we often hear very little.
First Bluebird of the season confirmed!
It has been confirmed - the bluebirds are back for another season! A bluebird was heard on March 20, east of Diamond Valley.

Bluebird? Tanager? Galapagos sightings
Long-time MBTCS member and director Joe Michielsen visited Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands earlier this year. Always with an eye on birds and other wildlife, he spotted a bird that at first glance could have been a bluebird…
Where do Mountain Bluebirds migrate to in Winter?
Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides) are an absolute delight during the early spring and summer in Southern Alberta. When they quickly disappear in September it is clear that the seasons are changing, and autumn has arrived. Where do the Mountain Bluebirds go when they leave Alberta?

“Bluebird Man” is a great documentary about Al Larson and Bluebird Recovery
Bluebird Man is the story of 94-year-old Al Larson, a self-taught conservationist who has committed the last 35 years of his life to recovering North America’s bluebirds. Breathtaking scenery, intimate conversations and stunning footage of all three species of bluebird create a powerful film that reveals the secret behind Al’s longevity while providing inspiration for our next generation of citizen scientists.

‘Mountain Bluebirds’ short documentary released by Rick Andrews
This short film by MBTCS Trail Monitor Rick Andrews follows a pair of Mountain Bluebirds as they nest and raise a brood of nestlings in the foothills of southern Alberta
First Bluebird of the season confirmed!
It has been confirmed - the bluebirds are back for another season! A bluebird was heard on March 8, International Women's Day, north of the Oldman Reservoir west of Fort Macleod.

Spring Bluebird Trail Orientation a success!
Mountain Bluebird Trail Conservation Society (MBTCS) hosted the annual Trail Orientation on June 6, 2020 with 8 people in attendance. President Jim Leitch provided a tour of his Bluebird Trail in West Lethbridge. The three hour morning walkabout was an ideal opportunity to see a working trail, demonstrate technique, and see some amazing sights along the way.