MBTCS News & Updates
50th Anniversary AGM featuring Myrna Pearman (video)
Check out video of the Mountain Bluebird Trails Conservation Society’s 50th anniversary milestone Annual General Meeting held on Saturday April 6, 2024, at the Helen Schuler Nature Centre in Lethbridge, Alberta.

‘Mountain Bluebirds’ short documentary by Rick Andrews (REPOST)
This short film by MBTCS Trail Monitor Rick Andrews follows a pair of Mountain Bluebirds as they nest and raise a brood of nestlings in the foothills of southern Alberta

“Bluebird Man” is a great documentary about Al Larson and Bluebird Recovery
Bluebird Man is the story of 94-year-old Al Larson, a self-taught conservationist who has committed the last 35 years of his life to recovering North America’s bluebirds. Breathtaking scenery, intimate conversations and stunning footage of all three species of bluebird create a powerful film that reveals the secret behind Al’s longevity while providing inspiration for our next generation of citizen scientists.

‘Mountain Bluebirds’ short documentary released by Rick Andrews
This short film by MBTCS Trail Monitor Rick Andrews follows a pair of Mountain Bluebirds as they nest and raise a brood of nestlings in the foothills of southern Alberta

Congratulations to Pres Winter, Alberta Emerald Award Lifetime Achievement
Pres Winter started The Viking Bluebird Trail in 1977. It began when John Janzen Nature Centre director provided 200 nestboxes. The Bluebird Trail is now more than 1200 boxes spanning 275 miles of country roads in Beaver County.

‘Avian Summer’ film released by MBTCS Trail Monitor
Avian Summer was filmed over the past two years by Rick Andrews, an active MBTCS Trail Monitor. The film features a number of scenes from Rick’s Mountain Bluebird Trail at Birds Eye Ranch, including interior nest box perspectives of the development of young bluebirds, from eggs to fledglings.