MBTCS News & Updates
Discovering the wonders of nature at MBTCS’ spring orientation
Our spring orientation was a tremendous success, providing both educational value and an unforgettable wildlife experience. The day offered new members a firsthand opportunity to appreciate the beauty and diversity of local wildlife, with a special focus on the cherished bluebirds that our society is dedicated to protecting.
Spring Orientation is June 1
We often talk about monitoring our “trails”. So what is a “trail”? A trail is a series of bluebird nest boxes strategically placed in order to entice a pair of mountain bluebirds to build a nest and raise their family (or families).
If you would like to see what a working trail looks like, you are invited to join Jim Leitch, President of MBTCS, on his trail in west Lethbridge.
50th Anniversary AGM featuring Myrna Pearman (video)
Check out video of the Mountain Bluebird Trails Conservation Society’s 50th anniversary milestone Annual General Meeting held on Saturday April 6, 2024, at the Helen Schuler Nature Centre in Lethbridge, Alberta.
Spring Orientation a Success
We are happy to report another successful spring orientation took place on Saturday June 5, 2022. There were 13 members present to learn the fundamentals of being a great Trail Monitor with the Mountain Bluebird Conservation Society (MBTCS).

Spring Orientation a Success!
The Orientation provided a chance to learn about the life cycle of Mountain Bluebirds and what to expect as a Trail Monitor. The three hour morning walkabout was an ideal opportunity to see a working trail, demonstrate technique with practical advice, and see some amazing sights along the way.
Virtual AGM a success!
Thank you to all participants who took part in our first ever virtual Annual General Meeting on ZOOM! There were 18 attendees that took part in conducting the necessary annual business of our Society for 2020.

Spring Bluebird Trail Orientation a success!
Mountain Bluebird Trail Conservation Society (MBTCS) hosted the annual Trail Orientation on June 6, 2020 with 8 people in attendance. President Jim Leitch provided a tour of his Bluebird Trail in West Lethbridge. The three hour morning walkabout was an ideal opportunity to see a working trail, demonstrate technique, and see some amazing sights along the way.