MBTCS News & Updates
Spring Orientation is June 1
We often talk about monitoring our “trails”. So what is a “trail”? A trail is a series of bluebird nest boxes strategically placed in order to entice a pair of mountain bluebirds to build a nest and raise their family (or families).
If you would like to see what a working trail looks like, you are invited to join Jim Leitch, President of MBTCS, on his trail in west Lethbridge.
Bluebird update from Southeast Saskatchewan
We received this wonderful reader submission from a bluebird lover in southeast Saskatchewan near Estevan. What a nice surprise to hear what is happening with bluebirds in that province, where we often hear very little.
50th Anniversary AGM featuring Myrna Pearman (video)
Check out video of the Mountain Bluebird Trails Conservation Society’s 50th anniversary milestone Annual General Meeting held on Saturday April 6, 2024, at the Helen Schuler Nature Centre in Lethbridge, Alberta.

Mountain Bluebird Trails Conservation Society celebrates 50 years
The Mountain Bluebird Trails Conservation Society is thrilled to celebrate their 50th anniversary milestone at the Annual General Meeting on Saturday April 6, 2024 at the Helen Schuler Nature Centre in Lethbridge, Alberta.
Myrna Pearman is the featured guest speaker!
First Bluebird of the season confirmed!
It has been confirmed - the bluebirds are back for another season! A bluebird was heard on March 20, east of Diamond Valley.

Peace Country Visits Mountain Bluebird Trail
We were delighted to host visitors from Peace Country during our spring orientation. They shared some kind words and wonderful photos for our members and website visitors.
Highlighting Nature Conservancy of Canada’s work in Southern Alberta
As part of our Annual General Meeting we are happy to share updates from the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). We are happy to have several videos of their current initiatives and programs in areas that bluebirds habituate.

Citizen Science Projects to Help Birds
If you love birds, then you are likely looking for ways to help birds thrive! Citizen science is a great way to help improve our understanding of birds.
‘How to build your own Bluebird Trail’ from Myrna Pearman’s YouTube Channel
We are thrilled to share a video from Myrna Pearman’s YouTube channel - specifically this great overview of the Mountain Bluebird Trail Monitoring Guide!
First Bluebird of the year spotted in Medicine Hat
Reviewing eBird for recent Mountain Bluebird sightings, we were delighted to find the first sighting of the year for our region has now long passed!

Bluebirds soon to return! Are your nest boxes ready?
Mountain Bluebirds return to Southern Alberta as early as the first week of March. Male bluebirds select and lure a partner to a nesting site soon after they arrive. Ideally, nest boxes should be cleaned out and repaired by the end of February in time for their arrival… so do not delay!

Website Year in Review 2022
Explore highlights from our website’s statistics from 2022! Discover how many visitors explore our website and where they came from. Leave a comment to help us plan our 2023 content.

Don Stiles: ‘Mr. Bluebird’ did much for birds, conservation
Don Stiles of Calgary was an avid bluebird enthusiast and has helped our organization by providing advice and contact information on many occasions. Don passed away on Oct. 11 and we mourn his loss. In sharing his obituary, we honour his legacy and hope to highlight his conservation work for Bluebirds.

‘Mountain Bluebirds’ short documentary by Rick Andrews (REPOST)
This short film by MBTCS Trail Monitor Rick Andrews follows a pair of Mountain Bluebirds as they nest and raise a brood of nestlings in the foothills of southern Alberta

Trail Monitor Stories: The headless swallow by Jim Leitch
Last year, one of the pleasant surprises on my trail was having a few families of Violet-green Swallows occupy some of my boxes for the first time ever. It was beautiful to see their flashes of turquoise green on white with a distinct purple rump. They are similar to the tree swallow.
Trail Monitor Stories: Kathy Koenig
One of the great things about being a Trail Monitor is the vast opportunity it provides to get outdoors, enjoy the fresh air, scenery and glimpses of other birds and other wildlife. In this new and hopefully long-term feature, we’ve asked monitors to share some of their experiences and photographs from their year of trail work. Featured on this post are photos and narrative from MBTCS Treasurer Kathy Koenig:

Bluebird? Tanager? Galapagos sightings
Long-time MBTCS member and director Joe Michielsen visited Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands earlier this year. Always with an eye on birds and other wildlife, he spotted a bird that at first glance could have been a bluebird…

How far from top should hole be on Mountain Bluebird Nest Box?
The cold season is the perfect time of year to work on building or renovating Mountain Bluebird nest boxes in preparation for the year ahead. We recommend reviewing our Nest Box Building page for the best and most complete advice on all specifications and blueprints for Mountain Bluebirds…
President’s Fall Report
As I pen this report for the 2022 season, I can't help but be surprised at the pleasant warm fall season we are experiencing. It seems like a repeat of last fall. Like last year as well this past season we saw some pretty extreme weather. A late arriving spring followed by an extended very hot summer.

A Simple De-nesting Tool to Clean Nest Boxes
MBTCS Trail Monitor Raymond Huel shares a simple invention that helps him with the messy annual duty of cleaning out nest boxes! His objective was to make something that would quickly push the old nest out and, at the same time, reduce the need for a heavy glove.